Eyup - it's that Mark Smith!


This is a combined guide/checklist for onboarding new members into software development teams. Some of it is more relevant to 'in the office' vs working from home* Other parts are more relevant for more junior developers.

For many years I was a contractor which meant joining new organizations quite frequently. I had a mixed bag of onboarding experiences during that time, and generally the subsequent work experience followed the impression gained during onboarding.

As a tech/team lead or scrum master I've been on the other side of the equation a few times as well, bringing in a mix of junior, senior and contract developers and testers into my team and the organization I was working for.

I have tried to do a decent job and got some recognition for the quality of onboarding my teams provided, especially for recent graduates and new entrants to the industry.

One key idea I've carried with me is that the first couple of weeks for a new hire set the tone for their time with your team. If you want them to be proactive, it's your job to get them on the path to contributing early on.

Why onboarding matters

The bigger the project the harder and longer it takes people to become productive. You need to learn about

At the same time, the more important it becomes to get productive as quickly as possible alongside the feeling of becoming a valued member of the team and the organization.

A good onboarding plan can help the new joiner get a grasp on the above.

Working with Human Resources

A good relationship with HR can smooth the onboarding path considerably* Their goals and yours are aligned on getting the new person inducted into the organization as quickly as possible* Like you they're overloaded with work, and you're much better off owning as much of the process as you can.

The Materials List

This is a list of everything you're going to give or send your new joiner


This is a combined checklist and reminder of when to do what. I tend to print it out and use a paper copy, writing the date when I ticked something as well as scribbling anything else that comes to mind*

After Offer Acceptance

Month Before

Week Before

The goal for this week is to keep the new person on the "glide path" to day 1.

Day 1

TIP: Your day 1 all about setting your new team member up for success, building on the prep work you did already.

Day 2

TIP: Day 2 has perhaps the most crucial thing for the whole week - explaining how your build process works.

Week 1

New Seniors

If you are bringing in a more senior team member, make sure there's some forum for them to demonstrate why they are joining team. Can they contribute to code reviews, backlog refinement, estimating early on?

End of Week 1

:::tip Get Feedback Senior Engineers can offer valuable feedback on your onboarding process. Don't neglect to ask them for ways to improve it. :::

End of Month 1

Making sure it's all working out

Remember the new starter is on probation This means a couple of things:

At the end of every day make a list of everything that went well, and everything that went the other way. Track what you did about it. If they're not suitable you need to be able to defend every point on your list.

Getting feedback on the process from the new starter
